Norton Utilities for Macintosh--Disk Doctor 3.2 -> 3.2.1 (Floppy) Updater ©1995, Symantec Corp. All Rights Reserved. This updater may be distributed freely. This application automatically updates Disk Doctor version 3.2 to version 3.2.1. This updater is for use with Disk Doctor from Emergency disks or NDD Startup floppies only* To use this updater: • The Emergency Disk which is provided as part of the Norton Utilities for Macintosh package is permanently locked to ensure maximum integrity. Consequently, you will need to copy this disk in order to update the copy of Disk Doctor on your Emergency Disk. To do this: • You will need a new 1.4 Meg floppy disk to become your updated Emergency Startup Disk. • To this floppy, make a copy of your original Emergency Disk, using Floppier or Apple’s Disk Copy application. (Note: you MUST use one of these copy applications--do NOT simply drag the contents of the Emergency Disk to another disk) • Copy the Disk Doctor application from the Emergency disk to your hard drive. • Launch the “Disk Doctor 3.2 -> 3.2.1 (Floppy)” application. • Click the “Update” button. • Locate the copy of Disk Doctor 3.2 you copied to your hard drive and click “Select.” • Updating should proceed automatically; progress is indicated by the filling bar. • If you have anti-virus software, such as SAM™, installed, you may receive “suspicious activity” alerts during installation. These are normal, and you should allow all changes. • When updating is complete, click “OK”. • After updating, copy the updated Disk Doctor application onto the copy of the Emergency disk which you made, to replace the original version of Disk Doctor on the Emergency Disk. You can also delete the Emergency Disk copy of Disk Doctor from your hard drive. • Test this new Emergency disk, by using it as a startup disk for your Macintosh. When you are satisfied that it will start your Mac, we recommend that you: 1) Lock this new Emergency Disk, and 2) Discard the original Emergency Disk, which contains version 3.2 of Norton Disk Doctor. Notes: • The purpose of this updater is to provide version 3.2.1 of Norton Disk Doctor to our users. • An incompatibility exists between Symantec's 3.2 version of Norton Disk Doctor and FWB's Hard Disk ToolKit. The incompatibility results in Norton Disk Doctor inappropriately diagnosing and then repairing problems on drives with expandable partitions. This incompatibility will only affect users who have used the Custom Partitioning features within Hard Disk ToolKit. If you use Custom Partitioning to make multiple partitions on a FWB formatted drive with any version of Hard Disk ToolKit, you should not use version 3.2--update it to 3.2.1. • If you have any trouble using this updater, please call Symantec Technical Support, at (541) 465-8440, any time from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Pacific time. * To update copies of Norton Disk Doctor installed on your hard drives, use the “Norton Disk Doctor 3.2 -> 3.2.1” application.